The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian game takes players beyond the events of the upcoming Summer 2008 blockbuster film. A year after the events of the first film, “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe,” but 1,300 years in Narnian time, Prince Caspian finds the Pevensie children returning to a darker land where the Narnian creatures have been driven into hiding and Narnia is under the rule of the evil tyrant Miraz.
- Players take the role of 20 playable characters, including Narnians (non-humans)
- Cooperative drop-in/drop-out multiplayer allows two players to work together both locally and online
- Non-linear level structure enables players to explore multiple paths in any order
- A combination of puzzle solving and action combat gameplay
- Team-up with characters to combine abilities