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The player assumes the role of a Việt Minh soldier during the First Indochina War. Many gameplay features seen in contemporary FPS games such as Call of Duty have been replicated in 7554.

The player can only carry up to two firearms plus a melee weapon and hand grenades. Different weapons and ammo can be picked up from fallen soldiers and other locations while fixed weapon emplacements can also be used. The heads-up display shows an ammo counter and a stance icon. The player can crouch and lie prone (but cannot move and shoot at the same time), and is able to scale low walls and other obstacles.

If the player sustains damage, the screen will gradually turn red and the sound of the character’s heartbeat will increase in volume, indicating low health. As a result, players should find safe cover to crouch or lie prone to restore their health. A grenade icon shows the player the direction and proximity of grenades about to explode. They can also die if they are too close to any explosions. A number of AI non-player characters are also available to assist the player but they cannot be issued commands.

The weapons used in the game are based on actual weapons the Việt Minh used during the war. Some, including the Arisaka rifle were sourced from Japanese armories captured after the Japanese surrender following World War II.