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In an open sand box world you choose your allies, your enemies, what provinces to conquer, what castles to siege and what quests to embark on.With Fire & Sword also greatly builds and expands upon the highly regarded combat system from Mount & Blade: Warband. Firearms have been introduced to the battlefield. Also, muskets and pistols can now be used as sidearms in hand-to-hand combat to quickly drop your foes.In addition to the enhanced singleplayer mode, With Fire and Sword also provides a host of original multiplayer content including the new game mode: Captain.

    • Introduces firearms
    • Multiple endings for high replayability
    • Enhanced siege mechanics: storm the castle, blow up the wall, bribe an officer or poison the well/food to get past the defenses!
    • 7 new multiplayer maps: Nomad Camp, Moscow Cremlin, Moscow Fortress, Novgorod Fortress, Swedish Castle, Teutonic Castle, Field by the River
  • New Multiplayer mode: Captain. Up to 16 players can each command a squad of soldiers